View Profile ColdLogic

4 Movie Reviews w/ Response

All 26 Reviews

I agree

Cool demons and mushrooms keep up the good work theres lots of room for improvement. But awsome concepts in this one, I can't say so much for the artwork but I'm sure you can do way better. Can't wait to see the next one.

trekopep responds:

I think if I make another, It won't have anything to do with this, so it won't really be considered a "next one" but whatever. Thanks for the review. ;)


Man that was nice, I definatly like your style and choice of music, i can tell you heard that song and said to yourself, what would make the picture complete heh, that was an awsome animation, i can't imagine what your stuff would look like if you spend like a year on a movie or something, this is sellable, find a writer you can work with and incorpirate your action sequences, amazing action. Please use my music anytime. heh.

mchawking responds:

cool man, thank you! I will check out the tunes!

~Nate Johnson

hey nice

I liked it, especially since you used my song, haha, so weird! I would have viewed it sooner if I had known, anyway, it could have been alot better with accual voice acting in it, that would have helped alot, maybe i'm being overly critical. I'm sure you can do alot better then this, you seem to show alot of talent, I hope to see more of your stuff, awsome concept. Thanks for putting me in the credz.

Magosis responds:

heh well i know that alot could have been done better in this one. as for the voice acting suggestion, well hopefully soon i will have my motivation back to wokr on the next one and that will include voices.

i give it a 10

Man I liked that, it was pretty interesting, you should tottally do one of those with an insane amount of detail, I especially like the atomic bomb animation in there! anyway sweet animation, definatly noticed by me, excelent job, I hope I get to see more of your work.

flying-giraffe-man responds:

Thank you a lot! The next movie you might be see is stick carnage 2, but it is not the same type of movie, and it might take a lot of time because I am a student, and I can't work on it a lot of time.

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